The following is a list of interactive forms. These forms should be downloaded and completed on your device and printed.The information on this page is intended to serve and educate Maryland residents about our services and the laws governing probate in Maryland. Read these instructions before completing the Inventory and Information Report form (CC-GN-011). The Personal Property Division information page of the SDAT Web site contains links to forms and instructions, brochures, exemptions, tax rate charts and more. If you find a will, Maryland law requires that you file it with the Register of Wills promptly after the decedent dies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Bill of Sale is executed on. The Maryland estate tax is a state tax imposed on the transfer of property in a decedent's estate. This page provides some standard legal forms to help you prepare for death, incapacity, or unavailability. Use this form to request to change your address on record with the court in the District Court where your case is scheduled or will be heard.