Depending on your business, you may need to file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Personal property is assets, goods and material objects used in the conduct of a business and is assessed separately from real estate.For Individuals, Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Associations, Trusts, Limited Liability Companies filing as. All owners of tangible personal property must complete and file annually a Form-of-List with the assessor in the city in which the property is located. A police officer cannot issue a trespass order for private property, in most cases. Yes, a neighbor can typically put up "no trespassing" or "private property" signs on their land to indicate it's off-limits. If you own a business in Boston, you need to give us a list of the personal property at your business. If you own a business in Boston, you need to give us a list of the personal property at your business. What is machinery for personal property tax purposes in Massachusetts? What is machinery used in the conduct of business?