For purposes of property taxation, personal property is divided into these categories: tangible personal property, household goods and inventory. Complete this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property.The name of the person or company that you are looking for. On May 3, 2022, the MiamiDade County Board of County Commissioners unanimously voted to create a Tenant's Bill of Rights. It does not cover all regulations, violations, questions asked, or other issues related to the enforcement of City of Miami Gardens codes and ordinances. It's not worth the low premiums! With very little coverage, Citizens Property Insurance is Florida's "insurer of last resort." Operator should have supplies on hand to allow for two point (i.e. Billing Tax bills are mailed once a year on or soon after November 1. The FAQs below contain general information to assist in the administration of tangible personal property tax.