Links to all forms required for filing personal property tax. Business Taxpayer Forms.Number, Former Number, Form Title. Insert the appropriate information in the space provided. This form is to be filed with the local unit (City or Township) where the personal property is located. Please contact the local unit where. PTMS पर Property Tax 2024-25 का बिल न मिलने पर कृपया अपनी संपत्ति का जीपीएस लोकेशन वाला फोटो और पुराने बिल का फोटो खींचकर, उसे तुरंत नीचे दिए गए किसी भी एक नंबर पर Whatsapp कर दें। ; 1. Trading performance reflected a wellpublicised more challenging market backdrop in the second half of 2024.