You may file for the Property Tax Refund on paper or electronically. The due date is August 15.Find information on how to file and pay your taxes, access free tax preparation assistance, and track your refund. 1. Complete MN Tax Court Form 7, following the instructions carefully. 2. In the upper left portion of the statement is the Property ID Number, or parcel number, and a brief legal description of the property this tax bill is for. Learn how to make property tax payments in person, over the phone, or online. Update your legal name or mailing address. The first is for Real Estate Property, the second is for Mobile Home Property. The County Assessor's Office is responsible for estimating the market value and determining the legislative classification of all property in Pennington County. Payments may be made via US mail, online, bill pay service, or in-person at any Washington County Service Center or at the Government Center in Stillwater.