Personal property is considered Class II property and is taxed at 20 percent of market value. To file a business personal property return electronically, select the county in which property is located to be redirected to the appropriate website.If you need additional space to list property under Schedules B, C and D, please attach a separate report in. THE SAME FORMAT as below. The Montgomery County Assessor of Property began offering an online filing option for Personal Property schedules beginning in 2020. The Personal Property Division information page of the SDAT Web site contains links to forms and instructions, brochures, exemptions, tax rate charts and more. The Administrators Office is responsible for collecting all county real estate taxes as well as real estate taxes for 4 of the 5 towns. Records but still in use should be reported. Fifty cents and above should be rounded to the next highest dollar. The value of tangible personal property is assessed on a declining scale in Montgomery County.