The Personal Property Division information page of the SDAT Web site contains links to forms and instructions, brochures, exemptions, tax rate charts and more. Tangible personal property tax exemptions for small businesses is a highly economical way of reducing taxpayer compliance burdens.The completed declaration provides most of the information needed to determine the taxable value of the personal property. Use Schedule A (Form 1040) to figure your itemized deductions. Every state taxes services in its own way. This guide provides an overview of the complexities of sales tax on services specific to each state. You will need to get a sales tax permit to collect and remit sales tax in every state where you are leasing or renting tangible personal property. Fill out and submit your Business Questionnaire. Search for business topics like employer tax identification number (EIN) information, with the A-Z Index. Since sales tax inception in the 1930s, the definition has significantly evolved.