You can pay your business tangible property taxes on your furniture, equipment, computers, machinery, tools, and business vehicles on the online payment portal. Tangible personal property used in research and development business .The portal provides direct access to Personal Property, Business Tangible Property, Business Tax and all other related tax accounts. All Arlington County businesses must file a Business Tangible Personal Property Return each year on or before May 1. Please use the Tax Portal or the Business Personal Property Return below to file your annual business personal property return before the April 15th due date. The Business Tangible Personal Property Tax is based on the value of property and is commonly referred to as an ad valorem tax. File your Business Tangible Personal Property (BTPP) tax return online HERE or download a printable copy of the return HERE to submit a hard copy. Fill in the date you moved into or out of the City of Fredericksburg. Goochland County, Virginia. Return of Business Tangible Personal Property.