Yes, under certain circumstances, you can sell someone's house if you have a Power of Attorney (POA) that grants you the authority to do so. You could use something like a Limited Power of Attorney for Sale of Real Estate to give you the authority to sell the property.A power of attorney for real estate is a simple legal document that allows you to give someone the authority to buy or sell real estate for you. California law requires you to sign your POA in front of a notary public or two witnesses. The agent of your POA cannot be one of the witnesses. Stepbystep instructions about how to sign a deed to transfer real estate using a power of attorney. Power of attorney can only be used to sell a property before death. After the principal's death, the property must be sold through the probate process. A power of attorney can indeed facilitate the sale of a property before the principal's death, provided it explicitly grants the authority to sell real estate. We are at the point where we need to sell my moms house to pay for her AL. It's fully paid off.