We conform to the IRS rules and allow you to exclude, up to a certain amount, the gain you make on the sale of your home. You'll also need to complete Schedule D (Form 1040) to calculate your capital gains and any exclusions you qualify for.Manage capital gains tax when selling a home in Alameda with guidance from The Gunderman Group. Homeowners who have owned their homes for at least two years are entitled to a capital gains tax exemption when they sell. If you profit from the sale of a home in California, then you may owe some capital gains tax unless you qualify for an exclusion. To stay compliant when you sell a property in California, you'll have to report capital gains on both your federal and state tax returns. A 1031 property exchange allows individuals the opportunity to buy and sell property while deferring capital gains tax consequences. When you sell a home in California, you must complete Franchise Tax Board (FTB) form 593. The City of Oakland assesses a Real Estate Transfer Tax on all Oakland real estate sold or transferred. When you sell a home in California, you must complete Franchise Tax Board (FTB) form 593.