You can show the property if you let the tenants know it is being sold, but there are rules. The owner must file a Property Owner Certification Prior to Move-Out Negotiations with the Rent Adjustment Program prior to entering into Move-Out Negotiations.First raise rent to maximum allowed in your area. A copy of every eviction notice must be filed with the Rent Adjustment Program within 10 days after it is served on the tenant. If the rent-controlled building is being sold, the owner has a right to show the space to prospective buyers. A property owner who sells a rental property must either: 1) Transfer the deposit to the new owner; or 2) Return the deposit to the tenant. If the reason is that they intend to move into the unit, that is a "just cause" eviction under Oakland's Just Cause ordinance. When it comes to selling a rental property with tenants in California, understanding the local laws and regulations is essential. Landlord is selling the house I rent, is rent increase still restricted even when under a new owner? Your rights as a San Francisco rentcontrolled tenant during a building sale.