Tangible personal property used in research and development business . SCHEDULE 1 Tangible Personal Property including furniture, fixtures, books, office and business machines, shop tools used in any business or profession.Personal property is reported on the Business Property. Statement (DOR Form 82520) for commercial business property or the Agricultural Business Property. Please use the Tax Portal or the Business Personal Property Return below to file your annual business personal property return before the April 15th due date. Search for business topics like employer tax identification number (EIN) information, with the A-Z Index. The OMBdesignated BestinClass City Pair Program procures and manages discounted air passenger transportation services for federal government travelers. From technology infrastructure to human-centered operations support, our end-to-end solutions empower federal agencies to better serve the American people. Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest IT and business consulting services firms in the world. Enrollment: Have your photo and fingerprints taken and present your identity documents.