A mobile home bill of sale is used to prove the legal sale and purchase of a mobile home between a buyer and seller. To affix the mobile home, fill out the top section of an Affidavit of Affixture form, and surrender your titles to an MVD agent, who will process the form.How do I fill this out? To fill out the Mobile Home Bill of Sale, gather all necessary information about the vehicle and the buyer and seller. Library File Link. 48-2004. Purpose. It can be used to record the sale of new or used mobile homes with the cost of transportation or lease transfer to be negotiated in a separate document. All forms are fillable. You can fill it out in Reader and print it from there. The freezing process helps to stabilize one of the components of the property tax bill, it does not freeze full cash value nor property taxes. The Pima County Treasurer is responsible for the receipt, management and disbursement of public funds.