A notice of claim must be filed in writing. To file a claim electronically, select, download, and save the appropriate claim form from the eClaim Claim Forms list below.As part of the policy, all declarations page(s) require the Department's prior approval in regard to their form, pursuant to Section 2307 of the Insurance Law. Call a Queens personal injury lawyer from our law firm on tel:718-475-5666 for a free consultation. Let our attorneys speak up for you! Our skilled motor vehicle accident lawyers will review your case, walk you through obtaining your accident report, and explain your options for recourse. The sad truth is that most insurance providers don't want to pay out large sums of money to cover property damage or bodily injuries to car accident victims. The City of Alexandria levies a tax each calendar year on all real estate located in the City that is subject to taxation. UFT Workers' Compensation Intake Form. Automobile Negligence and Insurance Related Forms.