For information on values, to file for an exemption, or to report changes in ownership or address, please call the Appraisal District at 210-224-2432. Complete list of Texas Comptroller Property Tax Forms and Applications click here.Texas Comptroller Property Tax Publications click here. Below you will see FAQs that address the most common questions we receive. To the right you will see a navigation bar with FAQ's related to particular topics. Complete, sign, and return this form to the Personal Property Division, Bexar. Appraisal District, PO Box 839946, San Antonio, TX 78283-3946. Zack specializes in the valuation, assessment, taxation, and exemption of real property on both state and local levels for clients in a variety of industries. "Taxable item" means tangible personal property and taxable services. To qualify for the over65 property tax exemption, a property owner must be 65 or older, and reside in the home as their principal residence.