Contact the California Department of Real Estate at 619-525-4192 for any question related to obtaining or renewing a Real Estate License. When selling a house in San Diego, you must: 1.Price your home competitively 2. The STRO Ordinance requires a license for all STROs of a dwelling unit, or part thereof, for less than one month within the City of San Diego. How fast can you sell your home in San Diego? Pretty fast, actually! The online internet auction is scheduled for May 17 – May 22, 2024. The auctions will begin at am, Pacific Time, on Friday, May 17, 2024. We have created an interactive SB-9 webpage that provides you with the filters and layers to determine if your property qualifies for SB-9 or not. I am selling rental property in San Diego I have not used it as a principal residence.