Beginning January 1st, you are able to file your annual rendition form. This is your chance to report your assets as of January 1, 2024.Must be filed with Form 104-SR. INSTRUCTIONS: This form must be filed with the township assessor, if any, or the county assessor of the county in which the property is located not later. A small business could file either the Form 103Short or the Form 103Long. Detailed instructions for completing this form are located in the. Questions about a taxing unit that is not listed as consolidated in a county should be directed to the individual taxing unit. Sanders is credited with influencing a leftward shift in the Democratic Party after his 2016 presidential campaign. Let the property know when you're available, and they will contact you to arrange a tour. Fri. The university conducts teaching and learning within eight faculties, two research institutes, and other institutes and centres.