County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111. A newly updated and userfriendly property tax payment portal is now available to all taxpayers in Tarrant County!When the City has properties for sale, a list will be posted with the minimum bid amount and bidding instructions. The results of a TAD. Org Property Search can be exported to your favorite spreadsheet program such as MS Excel, Apple Numbers, and many others. In Texas, a buyer or seller is not required to disclose the sales price of a property to anyone or any entity whatsoever. Tax Code Section 23.01 requires appraisal districts to appraise taxable property at market value as of Jan. 1. Tarrantcounty, Texas Flat Fee MLS Listing. List your property on the Tarrantcounty, Texas MLS for a low flat fee and save thousands. Watch our helpful video "Understanding Your Property Value Notice" to learn how to better read your value notice.