Business tangible personal property is the value of all property besides real estate that is used in your business or organization. We do not mail Business Tangible Personal Property Forms.How do I submit the personal property forms with the Assessor's Office? The forms may be filed in four ways. The 2024 business personal property listing form and instructions is for any individual(s) or business(es) owning or possessing personal property. Taxpayers who have property in more than one location must complete a separate form for each location. In order to assist taxpayers in accurately completing their reporting schedules, the. Anyone who leases personal property to or from another person or company must also file a return. All real and tangible personal property, with limited exceptions, is subject to property tax. If, among other things, a purchaser has any place of business or salespeople in New York State, or owns or leases tangible personal property in the State,.