If you'd like to host a special event such as a carnival, festival, demonstration, flea market, or concert, you may need a special events permit. Provide a copy of current valid food license and inspection report if facility is located outside of Philadelphia County.Return the completed application to the Special Events Office along with payment and all other required documentation. All five steps in the Special. Vendor agrees to comply with all state, municipal and federal laws in connection with what is being sold at the event. Once the Vendor Application is approved, the vendor fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. ​. Please be sure to fill out the Hold Harmless Agreement. Vendor shall provide notice to the City within thirty (30) days in the event that there is a material change in the coverage. A vendor agreement is a legal contract between a vendor (supplier) and a buyer (customer) outlining the terms and conditions of the goods or services provided. A master vendor agreement is a contract between a company and vendor that sets terms and conditions the latter must follow while vending the company's product.