You must have a General Vendor License to sell, lease, or offer to sell or lease goods or services in a public place that is not a store. A General Vendor license is required for anyone that will sell, lease, or offer to sell or lease goods or services in a public space that is not a store.The Tax Department has a standard covendor agreement that it will send to a supplier that requests to be treated as a covendor. Note: We ask that you submit a request at least TWO WEEKS in advance of your event, so we have adequate time to reach out to potential vendors. Willingness to complete vendor application. Co-promotion of the event. Vendor contracts are business agreements that help define the terms of the business transactions. These contracts should cover very in-depth details. NYC Mayor's Office of Contract Services is using Eventbrite to organize 8 upcoming events. Check out NYC Mayor's Office of Contract Services's events, learn