To register as a vendor with Salt Lake County visit the Utah Public Procurement Place (U3P) website. SLCC utilizes an online bidding system.Complete the form below to join our Vendor Contact List and be the first to receive invitations to vend at events that align with your business. We'll help you craft the best vendor contract agreement for your specific needs, and help you manage that relationship as long as you need it. A vendor agreement is a legal contract between a vendor (supplier) and a buyer (customer) outlining the terms and conditions of the goods or services provided. All procurement contracts, except Simple Service Contracts, must be submitted unsigned in SLCCBuy using the Procurement Contract Request Form. Salt Lake City, UT 84101. RevStep Indiana University Bloomington. Both awarded vendor and assignee agree to uphold the vendor obligations set forth in the vendor agreement. Use the menu to the left for complete information about Utah sales and use taxes.