Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms Welcome to the City of Alameda Permit Center.The Permit Center is the central location for obtaining Building, Fire, Planning, and Special Events permits. We have renewal templates for: 90 Days Out, 15 Days Out, Day of Expiration. If you need assistance in filling out this questionnaire, please contact the Court's Self-Help Center at (510) 272-1393. Beginning of each year, all letters will be assigned in alphabetical order, starting with the letter "A" and continuing through the alphabet to the letter "Z". In selecting the name for a street of any City facility the following criteria shall be used. 1. You may also fill out the General Assistance Hearing Request Form and mail, hand deliver or fax it to: Alameda County Social Services Agency Appeals Unit Alameda Decision Information - This page will be a repository for updates and documents related to the Alameda Decision and its implementation. If you have other insurance cards, like Medicare, you should also show them.