Here are house offer letter samples to win a bidding war. 3 examples to use as a reference point.A real estate offer letter outlines the terms for a real estate purchase. Focus on three things: State your intentions, show that you have the financial means to make the purchase and make a personal appeal to the seller. We've put together a few tips on how to write a letter to new home buyers as a seller so the house that was yours can welcome them right. A letter of interest for a house is a personal letter a prospective buyer writes to a seller to express interest in buying a home. My advice is don't make it overly emotional or dramatic, just introduce yourselves in a friendly way and sincerely say what you love about the home. Putting together the offer to buy a home. The written offer is legally binding, so in most cases a simple letter won't work. A Certificate of Occupancy is required for all businesses in the City of San Antonio.