Boost your renewal rates with a foolproof membership renewal letter! Trying to write a membership renewal letter but don't know where to start?In 2024, may we all strive to find ways to add value in the ways we contribute to our workplaces, families, friends, and communities. Add an enclosure notation after your signature at the end of the letter, and abbreviate it with "Enc." or "Encl. Optimize your member renewal letters to keep members coming back year after year. Read our how-to guide and download your free template. On the following pages, you'll find a complete package of application sample materials: 1) A sample internship description. Optimize your member renewal letters to keep members coming back year after year. Read our how-to guide and download your free template. Dear Callie Boyd, I am writing to express my strong interest in the General Office Clerk position at Motionmix.