Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. Attorney List must fill out an application available in the Court Services Office in Room 203 in the Fairfax County Courthouse.I look forward to having you join us as a member AND partner in, not only YOUR success, but the success of OUR communities. First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application. A Fairfax County School Board member has apologized after being caught on mic saying the "R" word during a board meeting Thursday night. In lieu of additional licenses such members may file jointly for a single license and pay a collective license tax upon the total gross receipts. LOCATION: Fairfax Headquarters - onsite, in-office. (e) Motions to Strike. I urge you to join us, if you have not already. The top woman leader in the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department has resigned in a scathing letter to Chief Richard Bowers.