In the 2nd edition of ACT Made Simple, you'll find an "extra bits" textbox near the end of most chapters. The attention line designates a reader or department but encourages others to read the letter.Your opening paragraph should be made up of three things: why you're writing the letter; the position you're applying for; how you found out about the position. Use our sample emails and subject lines to help you create an email that will open doors to college coaches. Start emailing college coaches today! Write an open letter to a specific audience that calls attention to an issue or problem and prompts reflection or action on it. In the field of Editorials, it's crucial to demonstrate your writing skills, attention to detail, and understanding of the publication's audience and tone. The letter was addressed to House Speaker Mike Johnson (RLa.), Senate Majority Leader John Thune (RS. How to Address An Envelope With ATTN Line? Wrapping Up. Direct Mail as Easy as Email With our.