Set Facebook group membership questions in order to filter the new members. You can ask people who request to join or participate in your group to answer up to 3 questions to help you decide whether or not to approve them.How can I create a Facebook group with 50,000 members in 10 days? Let's go over some of the questions that I personally have used that have really helped me and I'm going to give you some examples. I ask Who lives to the left or right of you, and I look up more details. Unfortunately, You CAN'T view past answers of approved members for Facebook Group Entry questions. Why? Because Facebook doesn't allow it. Here are three questions and one rule I use to help me better manage and filter membership requests in my Facebook Group: Question 1: What is your location? We are always adding to our membership benefits, for example: We will be drawing prizes for "MEMBERS ONLY" at the Holiday Festival! Kensington Palace tickets.