Boost your renewal rates with a foolproof membership renewal letter! Trying to write a membership renewal letter but don't know where to start?First, find out the correct formal form of address for the king: His Royal Majesty; His Majesty the King of…, etc. Optimize your member renewal letters to keep members coming back year after year. Read our how-to guide and download your free template. A letter to his most Excellent Majesty, George the third, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, and Emperor of North America. Kings for U is our loyalty program that offers personalized deals, digital coupons, rewards, and so much more. The document discusses examples of business letters and legal documents that contain unnecessary, redundant, ungrammatical, or incorrect language. The call to action ending - complete the letter something like -I really look forward to hearing from you. The PDF version of these forms are FILLABLE.