This book provides IELTS General Training candidates with 51 model letters to help them prepare for Task 1 of the writing module. Below is an IELTS letter with a sample answer which is estimated at band score 9 and is personal rather than formal.Get access to the informal letter samples associated with an IELTS general writing task 1 and boost up your IELTS preparation to study abroad. In this post, you'll find writing prompts, templates, and model answers for formal and informal letters. This book contains 20 new letters that are model answers for IELTS General Training Writing Task 1 style questions. In IELTS writing task 1 (GT), the letter structure below is most common as it usually follows the three points which you must include in your letter. We are interested in buying a small house on the outskirts of Rome. IELTS Writing Task 1 is the cause of more failure than Task 2, even though Task 1 is worth half as much. These IELTS sample letters illustrate the different types you may come across in the test.