(See sample letters in the Chapter Management. I would be an excellent choice to be a member of the National Junior Honor Society because I show service, leadership, character, and citizenship.Information regarding the induction ceremony and requirements for maintaining membership will be included with congratulatory letters. Must demonstrate outstanding performance in all five criteria of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Instructions. 1. You can become a member through a local selection process that concludes with induction into the school's National Honor Society chapter. To get into NJHS you need to have volunteered, taken up leadership skills and maintained a 3.5 GPA. Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a middle school student. Fill out this quick and easy form to invite your students to the National Junior Honor Society International Induction Ceremony!
My son just filled out his NHS application as well. Landing a spot in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is a significant achievement, signifying academic excellence, leadership, character, and service.