A formal letter for a membership typically follows a professional format and includes specific information related to the membership application or request. After 10 years and a daughter together, this North Philly guy pulled off a romantic rooftop marquee letter proposal to his longtime partner.1. Letters must be legible (large print), handwritten, and include no glitter. No worries if you're not artistic– make your card as what you'd like to receive. 64 Sonia always puts the words a place called before your name. Trying to write a membership renewal letter but don't know where to start? 1st Paragraph: ​Briefly introduce yourself (what your name is, your school, grade etc.). A Love Letter to Philly Dear Philadelphia, You have wooed me. Seven weeks ago, I landed on your rather frigid soil with no expectations. The School Selection process allows students currently in pre-k - 11th grade to apply to attend a school outside of their neighborhood or catchment area.