Go to your Facebook group and click on the top right corner, and you will find the option 'Membership questions. Go into your Facebook group, you're gonna go to moderate group, you're going to go to member requests and then you're going to click this icon.You can ask people who request to join or participate in your group to answer up to 3 questions to help you decide whether or not to approve them. Facebook groups allow you to create up to three membership questions for private groups. Let's go over some of the questions that I personally have used that have really helped me and I'm going to give you some examples. This article will offer you all the details on Facebook group membership questions, what they are, why they are important, examples, their benefits, and more. Get your FREE CPCE SAMPLE EXAM QUESTIONS! KL. Review 1; Votes 0. Wondering what other people are asking us? Find answers to questions about our Annual Membership Fee, insurance plans we cover, clinical services, and more.