This article is going to give you a detailed idea of Facebook group membership questions with examples and benefits. You can ask people who request to join or participate in your group to answer up to 3 questions to help you decide whether or not to approve them.This is a new feature of Facebook Groups. Go to Manage Group > Member Requests; Click the gear icon to open up the Settings. Facebook groups allow you to create up to three membership questions for private groups. Let's go over some of the questions that I personally have used that have really helped me and I'm going to give you some examples. A fun place to post memories, ask questions, add old photos, share Santa Clara events, and any memories you'd like to share. Unfortunately, You CAN'T view past answers of approved members for Facebook Group Entry questions. Why? Because Facebook doesn't allow it. Find out who's eligible for Medi-Cal, how to apply, and answers to other commonly asked questions.