"(Personalized Seal)" in the following examples means a seal containing the words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points, the notary. Download a proof of residency letter template for family members, notarized or non-notarized, tailored for legal use.Boost your renewal rates with a foolproof membership renewal letter! Be courteous and informative in your communication. The signature line on the bottom of a contract or agreement may seem simple enough, but are you signing as the right "person"? Support letters are placed in an offender's case file and are available to the parole panel during the parole review process. The letter should be addressed to "Honorable Immigration Judge. " • Introduce yourself, your immigration status, and address. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has Government wide responsibility and oversight for Federal benefits administration. In general, Texas has very few official legal forms.