Probate Court No.1 200 W. 8th St. Second Floor Austin, TX 78701 Phone (512) 854-9258 Probate Court No.2 200 W. 8th St. Fourth Floor Austin, TX Every chapter in AFSA got together and put out sample letters for members to fill out and send to Congress.The first letter of a stage name is automatically capitalized for aesthetic reasons, so you don't have to deal with uppercase strings in your .travis. 1. Enter the date at the top of the letter. Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. This article will discuss some common sample letters that you can use when communicating with your tenants. We'll also provide templates for each letter. Online filing and searching available through SOSDirect. For information or to subscribe, call (512) 475-2703. I forgot to add an attachment (for example, my résumé or cover letter) to my job application.