Here are 10 things your welcome letter or email to new members must include plus a template that can be customized for your organization. SAA has developed some appointment letter templates that can be used to inform employees of their new position, salary increase, or new appointment status.These sample letters can be used as notification of misuse of the MARKS. Be courteous and informative in your communication. Therefore, you need to reference both the member of Congress and the Governor in your response letter. These sample letter templates are provided as a reference for practices developing their own materials and may be adapted to local needs. These sample letter templates are provided as a reference for practices developing their own materials and may be adapted to local needs. The following letter templates are provided for districts to personalize and send out to families of students participating in state testing. Dear Clerk of the Meeting and Clerk of the Membership Committee,. I write to express my desire to become a member of the Friends Meeting of Washington.