Can you purchase a money order with these cards? Many of the cards have ATM access where you can get cash and deposit to your account but this one does not.Most places don't allow customers to buy money orders with gift cards. Thankfully, there are a few places that accept gift cards, but there are restrictions. VALID FORMS OF PAYMENT — Cash, Cashier's Check, Money Order, Attorney's Check, or American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit cards. FDLE does not accept cash, gift cards, or temporary personal checks. •. Personalized license plates may be ordered in person at motor vehicle service center throughout Florida. Broward County, Board of County Commissioners is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Library Aide, Full Time at the various library locations. However, the expected process is to begin with the cardholder completing a Credit Card Authorization Form. Thereafter, the department manager or.