I just received a letter in the mail today from the Nielsen Company informing me that I've been chosen to participate in there program. The Nielsen Consumer Survey asks about the activities you like, your shopping, travel and entertainment preferences, and your media choices.Nielsen Families are people who allow us to measure what they watch on TV and listen to on the radio. We take what we learn from them and produce the ratings. There are a few pros to being a Neilsen family, but it's mostly just annoying. Pros: Each member in the household gets a monthly check. I was unaware of the act until he asked me, "Why would Nielson send us a letter with two dollar bills in it? If you get a letter from the audience ratings company Nielsen, don't throw it awaythere's money inside. For a brief time last year I was a member of a Nielsen family. Remember the Nielsen National Consumer Panel opportunities that I have mentioned in the past?!