IMPORTANT NOTICE - This is a request to withdraw your application. If we approve it, the decision we made on your application will have no legal effect.Any process served on the entity after withdrawal from Georgia may be mailed to the following address: 7. Either go to the branch where the account is held or make an appointment, take current ID and necessary documents about the account with you. While you are employed in a TRS covered position, as stated in Georgia law, you cannot make withdrawals or borrow funds from your account. Most of our letters provide specific instructions of what you need to do. To find this address, go to "Benefits Summary," then select "Click Here to View the Details" under the "My Benefit" section. Documents that serve as acceptable proof of citizenship in the state of Georgia. Affidavit specifying his or her financial circumstances in the form set forth herein. Select the frequency, start date, stop date and withdrawal day.