This template link can be used to create your own t- shirt order form . Customize T-Shirts with specific needs and designs using our T-Shirt Order Form Templates.Simply select the t-shirt size, color, and quantity you want, and fill in your shipping and billing information. Online printing of custom forms such as invoice forms, Contractor service forms, work order forms, etc. Order forms and money are due on Monday, August 28. Students in grades Pre-K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade will receive a black shirt. The attached application MUST be typewritten and signed. Your Secured Property Tax Bill contains your Assessor's Identification Number (AIN) which you will need to complete the transaction. Each template is available in two different formats: A PDF for individual buyers to fill out when buying from your fundraiser. LVUSD students are accepted into the most prestigious colleges and universities.