Safely deliver your money order through the mail or in person. How to fill out a Money Order.You must write in the "pay to the order of" the name of the person to whom the money order is payable to. Can I just get a money order and address it to myself then use my bank's mobile check deposit? When filling out a money order, you'll need some basic information, such as the recipient's name and your address. Send and pick up money, cash payroll and government checks, pay bills, get a money order and more at a King Soopers Money Services near you. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the "Department of State. " Please do not send cash through the mail. You'll want to fill out each line of your money order with a pen in large and legible letters. Question: If I fill out a money order wrong and don't have the receipt, can I take it back to the post office and get it changed?