If you ever get junk mail from Nielsen - the company that does the TV ratings, don't throw it away. Nielsen Families are people who allow us to measure what they watch on TV and listen to on the radio.We take what we learn from them and produce the ratings. Learn more about joining or participating in a Nielsen panel or survey, as well as how we protect your information when we use it for our ratings. The pitch for the Nielsen survey comes with two fresh, crisp dollar bills. The Nielsen system works is that they select a number of individuals across the United States to serve as a random sampling of the population. In 2006, Nielsen let an unemployed me represent roughly one percent of all TV homes in L.A., and half of one percent nationally. In 2006, Nielsen let an unemployed me represent roughly one percent of all TV homes in L.A., and half of one percent nationally. Here's what I found out about the Nielsen survey when I started researching it after they sent me two dollar bills… Table of Contents. 10 years 5 months Vice President, Educational Initiatives Nov 2016 - Feb 2018 1 year 4 months Greater Los Angeles Area