A money order is a way to send money to another person or business. If you don't know your depository number or your order was issued in another state, please call the State Disbursement Unit: 1-877-769-0251.After completing your order form, go to Form Settings > Payments, then click either the PayPal Business or PayPal Personal icon. It is your responsibility to ensure that all correct forms are properly filled out, signed and submitted on time. Send check or money order made out to FAMU NAA – Miami-Dade Chapter. A:Your money order receipt stub is required for stop payment and as proof of purchase. Than a bank to purchase a money order? They offered me a pay later form of payment and had me fill out the paperwork. Unearth our Bones' Holiday Sample Pack Sample Pack. Embark on a flavor journey, and get roasted-to-order fresh coffee delivered straight to your door.