Beginning with 2024 Certificates of Rent Paid, you must create and submit all Minnesota CRPs using eServices. A notice to pay rent in cash, money order, or cashier's check is delivered to a tenant usually when one of the two following events occurs.Find Minnesota landlord forms, lease agreements, rental applications and more for all cities and counties in the State of Minnesota! To cover Tenant's failure to pay rent or other money due Landlord. 90. You can import Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) information into eServices from a spreadsheet. Late Payment Notice. Property Owners and Managers who received rent assistance payments from Minnesota Housing Finance Agency in 2023 will be receiving one or more 1099-MISC forms. Apartment Rental Application Form. The Apartment Application sample below includes information the prospective tenant provided. If you are looking for a career change, the State of Minnesota offers a number of jobs in a wide array of fields.