A money order is a paper payment, like a check. It is considered safer than a check because it's prepaid, so there's no risk of a money order "bouncing."You need to take your money out of Chime at the ATM and then buy a money order at 711 or maybe a bank will do a cashier's check for you for a fee. Write the recipient's name next to "Pay to the order of. " Fill in your address in the "purchaser" section. When filling out a money order, you'll need some basic information, such as the recipient's name and your address. Is Chime a real bank or prepaid card? If you have a bank account, the easiest way to obtain a money order is to go to the teller and ask for one. When making a payment in person, we accept Cash, Checks, and Money Orders only. We do NOT accept debit or credit cards at the Bursar windows.