1 Check that the money order amount is correct. You must write in the "pay to the order of" the name of the person to whom the money order is payable to.The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource. Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. Fill out the money order form given below using the clues that follow the form class X NCERT CBSE… Get the answers you need, now! Fill in the recipient's name. Necessary that we keep in mind a few general principles, which are set out in this Guide, and that, as needed,. Please refer to the annotated image and instructions below to learn how to fill out a check for your OPT application. The following information has been developed to answer your questions regarding formation of an LLC and to assist in the filing of the Articles of Organization. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.