Fill in the recipient and your address; for bills, include an account number; sign it; keep proof of payment. To fill out a money order you need to first fill out the who the payee is, the purchasers information and sign it.You must also fill out a few pieces of information such as providing the name of the person or organization receiving the funds (the payee). Recipient's Name: Write the name of the person or company you're sending the money to on the line labeled "Pay to the Order Of," "Pay to," or "Payee. Clearly print the name, and use ink. As soon as you purchase a money order, fill in this section immediately. Please make checks and money orders payable to "Ohio Secretary of State. " Send forms to the P.O. Box Number listed on the form. The letter begins with the creditor's contact information, including their name, address, phone number, and email address. This is a free service provided to notify you via email when any document is filed on your business record.