You typically can't buy a money order with a credit card. Instead, you'll need to use cash or a debit card that takes funds directly from your bank account.A money order can be useful, but it's not something that can readily be purchased with a credit card. You can buy a money order with a credit card, but it's not a great option, as only specific merchants will accept that type of payment. You typically won't be able to purchase a money order with a credit card directly, but you can get a cash advance to purchase a money order. 1. Fill in the payee's name. Put the payee's name on the line labeled "Pay to the order of" or "Pay to. Money order; VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express‡. While you can technically buy a money order with a credit card, it's not a good idea. You'll need to do a cash advance to purchase the money order.