Mail your payment, coupon and TC-40 return to the Utah. State Tax Commission, 210 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT. 84134-0266.Electronic Background Check, Background Check Training, Challenging Your Background Check Result, Arkansas DHS Criminal Background Check Request Form. In the money order asks for your purchaser's address, include your mailing address noted on your I-765 application form. 7 (8) Updated 1120-X to 1120X to match link and form verbiage. Under revision, please refer to OTDA policy directives for up-to-date information. In the southwest corner of GMU 530 there is the JBH elk hunt area, number 5090. Application Fee - In the form of check or money order, made to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Order to complete the performance required in the Contract.